Title of the team: GENERAL MARITIME LAW
Team Acronym : DAG
Leader: Pr.BENAMAR Mohammed
Description of the research theme of the team (between 150 and 200 words):
A maritime country with its 1,200 kilometers of coastline and its various commercial ports. Algeria's trade is 98 per cent by sea, hence the importance of maritime law and of maritime transport law. The Maritime Code was adopted in 1976 and amended in 1998 and 2010- This right requires an extension to the various stakeholders in the maritime transport chain - The laboratory will contribute through expertise, training and the research.
Comprehensive list of permanent members of the team:
1- Mr MADANI Ahmed.
2- Mme GHEMAZ Leila Ildiez.
3- Mr LAHCEN Mohammed.
4- Mr SOUIER Sofiane.
5- Mr SELLAMI Saad.
6- Mr DERBA Amine.
7- Mr BENHAMOU Fethi Eddine.
8- Mr MOULAY Belkacem.
9- Mme MEBAREK Wassila.
10- Mme ARIOUT Wassila.
11- Mme NADJI Zohra.
12- Mme ARAB Kamila.
13- Mme AKLI Lynda.
14- SIDI MAAMAR Dalila.